TDS Calculator


PAN of recipient is available

Nature of payment

Amount of Payment :

TDS Amount


What is a TDS Calculator?

A TDS calculator is an easy-to-use online calculator that enables you to verify if the right TDS amount has been deducted from your salary by the employer. It also helps determine whether you are liable to deduct TDS on a particular transaction if you are rendering some services.

Navi’s TDS calculator carries a user-friendly design and is extremely easy to use. All you need to do is enter the relevant information and the calculator will display the TDS amount.

How to Use the Navi TDS Calculator?

The percentage of TDS deductible is decided by the Government of India and the states depending upon the type of goods or services that the transaction is being made towards. Employers deduct TDS on the salary of employees at 10-30% depending on the total income of the employee, companies deduct TDS on services based on various tax slabs, and then, the collected TDS is deposited with the government.

When using the Navi TDS calculator, you may follow the below steps:

Select the recipient type

Choose whether your recipient of goods or services is an Individual, a Sole proprietor, a HUF or others like a company

Enter the PAN details

If you have access to a valid PAN of the entity for whom you are looking to deduct TDS, select ‘yes’, otherwise select ‘no’

Input cost of goods and service

Furnish the total cost for which you intend to invoice the recipient of your goods or services

Mention the nature of payment

There are various sections defined under the Income Tax Act that you can choose one from by using the scroll option

The amount of TDS required to be deducted will be displayed on your screen.

What is the Formula for Calculating TDS?

The general formula used to calculate TDS is given below:

Average Income Tax Rate = Income Tax Payable (computed through slab rates) / Estimated income for the financial year.

Different goods and services have different tax slabs and the minimum threshold for TDS applicability. The rules also change intermittently. The Navi TDS calculator is always primed and equipped with the latest updates.

Advantages of Using the Navi TDS calculator

Here are some advantages of using the Navi TDS Calculator

User-friendly design

The calculator is easy-to-use and has an intuitive interface

Saves time

Calculate your TDS or the TDS applicable in seconds

Helps you plan better

Keep a check on your TDS deductions and stay tax compliant at all times

Frequently asked questions

Anyone who is liable to pay tax under the TDS Act or needs to deduct TDS for goods and services rendered can use the Navi TDS calculator.
Yes, the Navi TDS calculator is absolutely free to use. You don’t have to pay any charges to calculate your deductions under the Income Tax Act.
No, you don’t have to share any documents with Navi for using the TDS calculator.
There’s no upper limit on the number of times you can use the calculator. You can use it as many times as you require.
Yes, individuals, firms, companies, HUFs and proprietorships, all can use the Navi TDS calculator.
The amount of TDS due is to be deposited on the 7th of each month for payments you have made in the previous month. While the TDS is due on the 30th of April for the payments you made in March.
TDS on salary is charged at 20% or a higher rate if you don’t have a PAN card. While if you have a PAN card, the TDS will be deducted at 10%. Furthermore, you should note that you might face issues in claiming the TDS if you don’t have a PAN card. It happens because the amount of TDS does not get reflected in Form 26AS. However, this does not matter for TDS you are liable to deduct when you raise invoices. TDS applicable is as per slabs provided by the government.
The TDS rate depends on the salary bracket in which your salary falls based on which the TDS rate ranges between 10% and 30%.
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