Missed filing ITR?

Don’t worry ?

We have good news for you But, wait! There’s a catch to it

Tap to know the good and the bad!

The good news is that

You still have time till 31st December 2022 to file ITR!

However, you can only do this if you fulfill certain conditions

1. Late fee

According to the Income Tax Department, the late fee is Rs.1,000 for income less than Rs.5 lakh.  Similarly, the late fee is Rs.5,000 or Rs.10,000 if your income is above Rs.5 lakh.

2. Interest

You need to pay an interest of 1% on the outstanding tax amount if you file ITR after the 5th of any month after 31st July.  The interest would keep building up if you further delay.

What if you miss the 31st December deadline?

This could lead to a hefty fine or even imprisonment!  To avoid fines and other penalties, file your ITR today.

Not sure how to file ITR online?

Check out the Navi-pedia blog for a step-by-step tutorial. Click on the link below! ?

To save your tax, you can invest in a health insurance policy or take a home loan.

For flexible EMIs, affordable premiums and a 100% paperless process, download the Navi app now!